Cuốn sách IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD) là một tác phẩm xuất sắc, một tác phẩm để đời. Cuốn sách IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD) mang lại nhiều kiến thức và giá trị thực tế cho cuộc sống. Thư viện sách PDF xin chia sẽ nội dung sách IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD) phiên bản PDF để đọc giả có thể tải và xem online. Hướng dẫn tải IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD) PDF phí dưới.
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Tải IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD) PDF
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Thông tin chi tiết
✅Mã Sản Phẩm | ✅9786045896341 |
✅Tên nhà cung cấp | ✅Nhân Trí Việt |
✅Tác giả | ✅Jon Marks |
✅NXB | ✅Tổng Hợp TP.HCM |
✅Năm XB | ✅2019 |
✅Trọng lượng(gr) | ✅200 |
✅Kích thước | ✅21 x 30 |
✅Số trang | ✅120 |
✅Hình thức | ✅Bìa Mềm |
IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills (Kèm CD)
IELTS Advantage is a series of course books offering step-by-step guidance to achieving a high IELTS score.
IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills is a comprehensive resource for achieving 6.5 or higher in the Speaking and Listening modules of the IELTS exam. Students are guided step-by-step through the different stages of the speaking and listening modules, using lively material covering a wide range of the topics that are likely to occur in the exam.
The step-by-step approach guides students to success using features such as Try it first!, Spotlight on language, Exam skills, Prepare and practise and Pronunciation focus. There are plentiful exam-practice opportunities, and students can compare model speaking tests with their own versions in order to acquire further useful ideas and strategies.
IELTS Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills:
- shows students how to give the well-structured, detailed replies that examiners are looking for in the speaking module
- contains numerous audio examples of model speaking test performances on the accompanying CD
- covers a wide range of the key grammar and vocabulary that students will need to give their best possible performance in the exam
- advises on strategies for getting the best possible score on the day of the exam
- explains the formats of the listening module, and how to answer them successfully
- includes exam practice material covering all parts of the listening module
- includes audio exam practice material for the listening module
Key features:
- Suitable for classroom study or self-study
- Includes audio CD, audio transcripts and answer key
- Four full-length speaking test role-plays covering topics which commonly appear in the exam
- Frequent exam tips to help students achieve a higher score
- Check-and-challenge sections allow students to revise material and take their skills to the next level
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