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Work On Your Accent


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Thông tin chi tiết

✅Mã Sản Phẩm ✅9786048558192
✅Tên nhà cung cấp ✅Minh Tâm
✅Tác giả ✅Nhiều Tác Giả
✅NXB ✅Tổng Hợp TP.HCM
✅Trọng lượng(gr) ✅250
✅Kích thước ✅19 x 28
✅Số trang ✅159
✅Hình thức ✅Bìa Mềm

Work On Your Accent

If your English accent is letting you down, this is the perfect book for you. You’ll see and hear how to soften the influence of your mother tongue and speak clear English everyone will understand.

Professional accent coaches Sarah and Helen show you how to pronounce each sound and when to use them. They will help you recognize why your native language makes you mispronounce certain sounds and which sounds you therefore need to focus on.

Collins Work on your Accent features:

Thirty-six units on the main consonant and vowel sounds in English

‘What am I doing wrong?’ section looks at the mistakes you are most likely to be making based on your native language

Advice on rhythm, stress and pitch

Videos, illustrations and photos demonstrating the correct positions to produce accurate sounds

A DVD-ROM with video and audio clips providing clear native speaker model pronunciation

Extra practice sections concentrating on the most problematic sounds

Thông Tin Cuốn Sách Work On Your Accent

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