Cuốn sách Delta’s Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests là một tác phẩm xuất sắc, một tác phẩm để đời. Cuốn sách Delta’s Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests mang lại nhiều kiến thức và giá trị thực tế cho cuộc sống. Thư viện sách PDF xin chia sẽ nội dung sách Delta’s Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests phiên bản PDF để đọc giả có thể tải và xem online. Hướng dẫn tải Delta’s Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests PDF phí dưới.

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Delta's Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests


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Thông tin chi tiết

✅Mã Sản Phẩm ✅9786045238554
✅Tên nhà cung cấp ✅Nhà Sách Trí Tuệ
✅Tác giả ✅Nancy Gallagher
✅NXB ✅Đồng Nai
✅Năm XB ✅2016
✅Trọng lượng(gr) ✅660
✅Kích thước ✅19 x 27
✅Số trang ✅411
✅Hình thức ✅Bìa Mềm

Delta’s Key To The Toefl IBT Seven Practice Tests

Will give students plenty of practice as they prepare for the Internet based TOEFL (iBT)… This new book/audio package contains a concise introduction to the TOEFL and the various questions types, along with seven full length tests, one of which has not been published before.

Seven Practice Tests can be used in a number of ways:

As practice for taking the TOEFL iBT

As a companion to Delta s Key to the TOEFL iBT: Advanced Skill Practice

  • As the primary or secondary text in a TOEFL preparation course
  • As a resource for independent study or laboratory
  • Features
  • Description of the TOEFL iBT form and content
  • Sample questions in the four skill areas of reading, listening, speaking, and writing
  • Seven full length practice tests
  • Nearly 700 questions in TOEFL format
  • Complete answer key and audio script
  • Charts to record test scores and monitor progress
  • Seven hours of audio in mp3 format

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