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Lessons For IELTS: Advanced Speaking (Nhân Trí Việt)


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Thông tin chi tiết

✅Mã Sản Phẩm ✅9786045852880
✅Tên nhà cung cấp ✅Nhân Trí Việt
✅Tác giả ✅New Oriental Education & Technology Group
✅NXB ✅Tổng Hợp TP.HCM
✅Năm XB ✅2016
✅Trọng lượng(gr) ✅380
✅Kích thước ✅21 x 28
✅Số trang ✅152
✅Hình thức ✅Bìa Mềm

Lessons For IELTS: Advanced Speaking

Dear Student,

As an advanced speaker who like to use English fluently and accurately, you have made an excellent choice by deciding to use the IELTS Advanced Speaking Course.

The IELTS Speaking test can be challenging even for the most advanced speakers because, at higher levels, it requires not only accuracy but also flexibility, appropriacy subtlety and fluency.

This course provides advanced-level students with language and practice activities which will lead to higher band scores in the IELTS Speaking test. The course also contains tips and advice for engaging in a conversation-style test, where the skills of listening to the questions and responding appropriately are very important.

The course includes practice activities for Part 1, 2 and 3 of the IELTS Speaking test. However, the main focus will be on Part 2 and 3. You are advised to use the activities in Part 1 as a speaking warm-up for each lesson. These parts will give you a powerhouse of vocabulary and ideas that you can use to make you own answers for typical IELTS Speaking test questions.

In each unit, the focus in Part 1 is on:

Breadth of coverage

Natural answers and language

Listening to the questions and answering appropriately

Fluency, speed, and quick reactions

The exercises in Part 2 focus on:

Coherence and linking ideas

Giving examples

Personalizing your story

Describing your reactions, feelings and emotions

Avoiding hesitation and repetition

In Part 3, the focus is on:

Complex language to express sophisticated ideas

Academic vocabulary

Developing ideas

Thinking quickly

The examiner may ask you to clarify or develop your ideas in Part 3 of the test. Therefore, you need to demonstrate flexibility and control of language as you discuss possibilities and ideas, as these skills are key to gaining a higher-level score in the IELTS Speaking test. This course provides extensive practice of these important language areas within a conversational context so that you will feel confident to speak naturally, fluently and accurately in the test situation.

This course is your pathway to success.

Pam Watson

Thông Tin Cuốn Sách Lessons For IELTS: Advanced Speaking (Nhân Trí Việt)

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