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Thông tin chi tiết
✅Mã Sản Phẩm | ✅9786045819920 |
✅Tên nhà cung cấp | ✅Minh Tâm |
✅Tác giả | ✅Young Kim |
✅NXB | ✅Tổng Hợp TP.HCM |
✅Trọng lượng(gr) | ✅280 |
✅Kích thước | ✅19 x 26 |
✅Số trang | ✅142 |
✅Hình thức | ✅Bìa Mềm |
The Best Preparation For IELTS Reading
As far as I know, students of English may find reading long passages the most difficult. Personally, reading is a very interesting skill and easy to master if its sub-skills can skillfully be applied when reading. Concerning IELTS, the Reading test tends to select authentic extracts from books, journals, newspapers, magazines, or research papers, which seems increasingly intimidating to candidates who are not fast readers.
Understanding this situation, I have tried to work out user-friendly material to facilitate English learning, especially helping English learners to improve their reading skill more effectively.
Our practical step-by-step guide to test practice as well as important skills presented and explained will certainly meet your expectations and bring success to your coming IELTS test
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