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Prime TOEIC Listening


Review Nội Dung Cuốn Sách Prime TOEIC Listening

Thông tin chi tiết

✅Mã Sản Phẩm ✅9786045829202
✅Tên nhà cung cấp ✅Khác
✅Tác giả ✅Nhiều Tác Giả
✅NXB ✅Tổng Hợp TP.HCM
✅Trọng lượng(gr) ✅530
✅Kích thước ✅19 x 26
✅Số trang ✅233
✅Hình thức ✅Bìa Mềm

Prime TOEIC Listening

The TOEIC test is an important test. More than two million people take this test every year. Today, it is important for people all over the world to use English, and the TOEIC test is one of the ways to measure the English ability of non-native speakers. In addition, a high score on this test can help them get a good job or a promotion.

However, preparing for the TOEIC test is not easy, especially for high beginning and low intermediate students. Most TOEIC preparation books are usually written for higher level students . Because of this fact, Prime TOEIC – LC, together with the other book in the series Prime TOEIC – RC, has been designed to target learners of these levels. They will really help those who plan to take the test for the first time and those who want to improve their TOEIC test scores.

This book series can be used in a TOEIC test preparation classroom or used by learners working alone. It focuses on the most relevant and practical testing points so that learners are not only familiar with the format of the test but also gain real knowledge to be able to achieve their goal.

We are quite confident that Prime TOEIC series will meet the expectation of those who are planning to sit for the TOEIC test in the very near future.

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